Musik für Hotels: Ihr Guide für die perfekte Hotel-Playlist
Die Erfahrung Ihres Gastes beginnt in dem Moment, in dem er den Fuß ins Hotel tritt. Gute, sorgfältig kuratierte Hintergrundmusik kann sofort signalisieren, was sie während ihres Aufenthalts erwarten können. Ob ein moderner Sound für Geschäftsreisende unterwegs, ein entspannter Soundtrack für Urlaub am Strand oder etwas Anspruchsvolles für High-End-Luxus, Musik prägt das gesamte Erlebnis eines Gastes während seines Aufenthalts in einem Hotel
Wie jeder Hotelbesitzer oder Geschäftsführer weiß, ist es entscheidend, die richtige Atmosphäre zu schaffen. Ihre Innenräume wurden sorgfältig gestaltet, Ihr Personal bietet einen tadellosen Service und Ihre Gastronomischen Einrichtungen sind die besten in der Stadt. Aber was ist mit Ihrer Hotelmusik? Ist es wirklich so gut, wie es sein könnte?
Wenn sie richtig gemacht wird, kann gute Hotelmusik einen Soundtrack zum Erlebnis Ihres Gastes liefern, der lange nach ihrem Aufenthalt bei ihnen bleibt. Da ein guter Anzug perfekt auf jeden einzelnen zugeschnitten ist, sollte Ihre Hintergrundmusik so gestaltet sein, dass sie zu Ihrem Hotel passt.
Why is music in hotels so important?
Die perfekte Musikpassform beginnt mit den Innenräumen. Ist das Design Ihres Raumes schlank und modern oder klassischer und zeitloser? Benötigen Sie Musik für ein helles, luftiges Café oder eine Bar bei Kerzenschein? Die Musik in Ihrem Hotel sollte einen Soundtrack liefern, der jeden Aspekt der Umgebung Ihres Gastes widerspiegelt.
Timings sind auch für diese perfekte Passform entscheidend. Wenn Sie den ganzen Tag über über wichtige Zeiträume nachdenken, wann kommen Sie normalerweise zum Check-in? Wann sind die geschäftigsten Servicezeiten in Ihren Gastronomischen Und-Getränke-Outlets? An welchem Punkt fangen die meisten Menschen an, sich abends ins Bett zu winden? Wenn richtig, das Tempo, die Lebendigkeit und die Energie der Hintergrundmusik Ihres Hotels wird das beste Gasterlebnis in jeder dieser Schlüsselzeiten gewährleisten.
Es ist auch wichtig, die demografische Entwicklung Ihrer Kunden zu berücksichtigen. Ist Ihr Hotel vor allem für Geschäftsreisende, Familien oder romantische Paare geeignet? Ihre Hotelmusik muss eine Atmosphäre schaffen, die den Bedürfnissen Ihres typischen Gastes entspricht, sei es ein energetisierender Start in den Tag vor Meetings oder ein entspanntes Frühstück am Strand.
What Does Your Hotel’s Perfect Playlist Sound Like?
Werfen wir einen Blick auf die wichtigsten Räume in jedem Hotel und überlegen Sie, worüber Sie nachdenken sollten, um die perfekte Hintergrundmusik-Playlist zu erstellen.
Music for Hotel Lobbies
At the very heart of your hotel is the lobby. The lobby is the first place guests arrive for check-in and the last place they’ll see before they leave. They may access the hotel’s F&B outlets via the lobby throughout their stay, pass through on their way out each day or stop for a drink at the lobby bar in the evenings. It’s therefore essential that the lobby music effectively matches the concept and objectives of the hotel.
For a brand like Best Western, which uses tailored playlists provided by Soundsuit, a simple, modern and universally appealing sound is essential for their lobby spaces. With a client base that includes business travellers, families and younger groups, the popular music in their lobbies appeals to all tastes. The bright, modern interiors are paired with bubbly, contemporary sounds, while the energy levels are generally more upbeat than guests would expect at a romantic resort or a luxury hotel.
With the Design Hotels group, which owns and manages a collection of boutique properties, the hotel lobby music needs to emphasise the design-focused interiors. The music provided by Soundsuit helps create a breezy, relaxed and reflective environment when guests enter the space. The natural, sculptural architecture and interiors are paired with light, organic sounding music selections. In these properties, the energy of the lobby music remains soft throughout the day, becoming more intimate and romantic in the evenings.
If you’re thinking about the music requirements in your own hotel lobby, how can this be adapted to better fit your clientele and the interiors? If you need a simple, one-size-fits-all soundtrack, opt for something contemporary and recognisable. If you’re looking to create a feeling of elegance and sophistication, then genres like classical or jazz could work. This could be traditional, like a rich, warm Chet Baker track, or something more airy and contemporary like the music of Nils Frahm.
Music for Hotel Restaurants
Whether it’s a family breakfast at an “all day dining” buffet or a romantic meal in a hotel’s destination restaurant, music has the power to impact the mood of your dining space, as well as the ways in which your customers spend. It’s essential that you understand what the perfect playlist for your restaurant sounds like.
At Hotel Clostermanns, Soundsuit provides a music solution for two very different F&B spaces. In the mornings, a buffet breakfast is available to hotel guests in their main restaurant. At this time, the dining space feels light, airy and convivial, with families, couples and business travellers all making use of the dining facilities.
In such a setting, the best hotel restaurant music will feel subtly upbeat, bubbly and positive. Often welcoming a varied mix of diners, any all day dining restaurant should use background music that feels eclectic and universal, perhaps also with occasional international vocals to reflect guest demographics.
Taking this as a guide, a track like Madeleine Peyroux’s Don’t Wait Too Long works well. Notice how it has a lighthearted and positive feel, it’s also subtly elegant but not formal and has enough of an international feel that it will give a sense of place to guests travelling on vacation.
In the evening, guests at Hotel Clostermanns can also dine in their Michelin Starred destination restaurant Le Gourmet.
This dining space is contemporary in design, with a modern menu to match. Here, electronic music with elements of jazz, pop and bossa nova like the tracks below, help to create a modern, sophisticated environment:
For a more classic Restaurant 1865 at The Queens Hotel, jazz is a good fit, but be careful to choose a sound with some toe-tapping energy and playfulness. Avoid the common mistake of using music that feels too stuffy or old-fashioned. Music by present-day artists always works well:
Willst du mehr darüber erfahren, wie du Musik für dein Restaurant lizenzieren kannst? Wir haben hier einen ausführlichen Artikel über die wichtigsten Dinge gewidmet, die sie für einen Besitzer wissen sollten: Musiklizenz-Tipps für Restaurants im Jahr 2021.
Music for Hotel Bars
Hotel bars come in many styles and serve many purposes. There are beach bars, where afternoons can be spent sipping cold beers beneath palm trees, lobby bars, where friends, colleagues or couples can wrap up the day with drinks, and cocktail bars, where classic cocktails are served up in velvet-draped surrounds. Whatever your hotel bar looks like, getting the music right is vital.
When selecting the music for your hotel bar, setting the perfect atmosphere is key. Try not to let the personal music tastes of your staff influence what’s right for the clientele, the time of day and the setting. Pay attention to the tempo of the music, a busier bar generally allows for a more energetic playlist. It’s also important to think about the style, tone and mood of your hotel bar music.
Let’s imagine a beach bar at a hotel resort, it’s mid afternoon and your guests are enjoying drinks. The two tracks below are both great pieces of electronic music in their own right, but the first creates a more appropriate atmosphere for lounging by the beach.
Achten Sie auch immer auf Ihre Kundschaft. In einer Lobby-Bar können Sie eine gemischte Menge erwarten und so sollten Sie versuchen, Musik auszuwählen, die jeden anspricht. Von den beiden Tracks unten haben beide ein modernes Disco-Meets-Pop-Gefühl, aber der erste hat eine universellere Anziehungskraft, während der zweite sich ein wenig zu „da draußen“ anfühlt.
Denken Sie schließlich an die Innenräume Ihrer Hotelbar. Wenn es sich um eine intime, kerzenbeleuchtete Umgebung mit einem klassischen, anspruchsvollen Design handelt, dann benötigen Sie eine Playlist, die perfekt passt. Entscheiden Sie sich für Musik mit einer zeitlosen Coolness und Eleganz statt etwas Zeitgenössisches. Die beiden Spuren unten sind beide seelenvoll, aber der erste hat das perfekte Spätabendgefühl, während der zweite zu hell und modern ist.
Music for Hotel Spas
As the place where your guests come to tune out and unwind, it’s vitally important that you pay careful attention to your hotel spa music. Any track that doesn’t have the right energy or stands out in some way from the rest of the playlist is going to interrupt your guest’s sense of calm and relaxation.
Always avoid the cliches and stick to instrumental music where possible. That means no cheesy whale sounds, no off-the-shelf spa cds and no buddhist chanting. Working with Weleda Spas, Soundsuit were able to provide a background sound for their spa that fitted their brand philosophy perfectly.
For them, the most important thing was to use music that felt current and intriguing but still worked in a spa setting. Their hotel spa music needed a selection of tracks like the one below, which weren’t designed specifically for spas but that still provided that all important sense of calm and relaxation.
Music for Hotel Gyms
When selecting the music for your hotel gym, the most important factor to consider is how uptempo and energetic to make your background sound. Some people like to get their sweat on to extremely high energy music but, more often than not, they’ll have headphones in and be listening to their own music. This means that the best option is to choose something that feels universally appealing for your clientele.
Try to select workout music that feels upbeat but not so much that people might find exercising stressful or even intimidating. Take the tracks below as examples, they provide a steady pace for exercise but also have a simplicity that allows them to remain in the background.
How Can Soundsuit Help You Create and Manage Your Perfect Hotel Music Playlist
There’s a lot to consider when creating the perfect music playlist for your hotel but, with the right tool, you can ensure the process is quick and streamlined. Soundsuit is a simple, user-friendly app that uses smart technology to help guide you through the music curation process.
Soundsuit selects the right music for your hotel based on the information you provide about your average customer. You can pick your favourite music genres or use the app’s SmartGenres feature to intelligently select the best sounds for your hotel. Soundsuit also allows you to effortlessly switch up the mood and energy of the music at the click of a button.
It also gives you the option of leaving your playlist on autopilot using SmartMood. This feature uses smart data to automatically change the energy of the music throughout the day, allowing you to concentrate on the perfect customer experience.
Working with any sound system, the affordable Soundsuit solution is as simple as downloading the app and pressing play. It provides a fully legal alternative to using streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music, which many hotel owners don’t realise is illegal. All you need to do is cover the cost of a simple, yearly music license.
Create your perfect hotel playlist today. Begin a month’s free trial and see what your new personal music assistant can do for your hotel.